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Meet Crafty Pear's Beautiful Clothes!

At Pradaplanet we like to showcase our 'Favourite things' from small businesses and creators.

Crafty Pear is definitely one of our favourite English brands, which we discovered a few years ago at a gorgeous little fair in Greenwich Pleasaunce park. It was such a delight to find unusual, beautifully made children's clothes that were practical and the reversible dungarees were amazing!

Fast forward to 2023 and Crafty Pear, unsurprisingly, is going from strength to strength. We've worked with the founders, Lisa & Jo in the past. So here's a little glimpse into their creative world...

  • How did you both meet and have you always worked in fashion & textiles?

We met at a playgroup in 2009 with our toddlers when we were both pregnant with our second children. We immediately hit it off and both us and the children have remained friends ever since. 

We came from very different work backgrounds. Lisa was a vet so she swapped the operating table for cutting table and suturing for a sewing machine. Jo worked in costume and wig departments on tour and on West End productions such as 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' and 'Grease'!

  • Where did the idea for Crafty Pear come from?

Crafty Pear evolved from us initially getting together to make things for our school craft fair. As our youngest children started nursery and then school we found we had more time to devote to it and the business slowly grew.

It was when we were given the fantastic opportunity to have a stall on Greenwich Market with a group of other designer maker Mums that we felt it could be more than a hobby.

  • Did the balance of work and children factor into your decision to create your own business?

Yes, we have both always said that our first job is always to be a Mum. Making all our clothes, sourcing fabrics, keeping up an online presence and manning the shop, all within the school day is certainly a challenge!

  • What do you love most about working as a designer and creator or your own products?

We both get very excited about new fabrics and there's nothing more satisfying than seeing the transformation from the fabric on the roll to an item of clothing, especially when you spot a child wearing something you've made!

  • And what is the hardest part of running your own enterprise?

I think it's fair to say we both enjoy the sewing machine more than the iPad but we've tried to embrace the digital revolution. Neither of us particularly used social media before but it's been a fantastic way to reach customers, communicate with other local small businesses and share ideas with other likeminded crafty people.

  • You seem to find beautiful and unusual fabrics, are you always on the look-out for something new?

We get our fabric from all over the place, mostly online but we also enjoy the occasional trip to the wholesaler where we're like kids in a sweet shop!

  • How practical is Crafty Pear clothing and can it be customised?

We are both well aware of what an item of children's clothing has to stand up to. We want our clothes to look beautiful but they need to be well made and wash well. We are always pleased to hear that children have enjoyed wearing our clothes and thrilled when people say they've worn so well they're able to be passed on.

We understand that children come in all shapes and sizes so we're able to customise any of our items to provide the perfect fit. Our growing range of jersey leggings come in a slim fit and harem style, perfect for accommodating a cloth nappy.

Many of our designs are also reversible, so practical and a lot of fun.

  • What three words sum up what you create or what goes into the clothes at Crafty Pear?

Fun, stylish, playful.

  • What would you like see to for Crafty Pear in the future?

We enjoy being in our shop and interacting with our customers face to face but we'd like to expand our online shop. After all selling more means we can buy more fabric and keep creating!

  • And finally where can people find you and your gorgeous products:

During school hours we can be found in our shop in the wonderful Under 1 Roof, Woolwich.

We are also online, find us at: